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Turn your website into a lead generation machine
with Call‑back widget by Dzinga

Get up to 125% more leads from your website and close 4 times more deals.

Double the number of sales calls from your website visitors

Call-back widget engages visitors, prevents them from leaving the site, and facilitates an immediate sales contact. It is proven to increase online sales and only takes 10 minutes to set up.

Close 4 times more deals with instant response

Every minute matters when responding to a web lead. The faster you respond, the more clients you win. The odds to win a lead drop 80% in 15 minutes after submission. Around 80% of customers buy from the company that responded to their inquiry first. Call-back widget by Dzinga connects potential clients with your agent in less than a minute. Quick response puts you ahead of the competition and drives 4-fold increase in sales conversion rate.

Spend time only on leads that are likely to buy

Focus your efforts on visitors that are ready to buy. Visitors who show zero interest and leave the website quickly hardly worth your agents’ time. You may disable Call-back widget for this group and attract calls only from visitors who are likely to buy. Target the widget to people who stay on site for a while. Put the widget on the pages that are most likely to convert, like Pricing or Shopping cart. Adjust widget design and texts to fit perfectly into the page. And start receiving calls that are relevant to your business.

Prevent potential customers from leaving your website

98% of your website visitors leave without buying or providing their contacts. But you could stop them the last moment by offering extra value - help, bonus, or discount. Call-back widget detects the intent to quit the page and pops up with a special offer. It prompts visitors to contact you instead of leaving the website. Turn exit intents into sales inquiries with Call-back widget to boost your conversion rate.

Explore the Call-back widget features and see what makes it tick

  • Immediate response

    Excite potential customers. Their phone will ring in mere seconds after they requested a call back. A call is placed automatically, your agent needs only pick up and do the talking.

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  • Buying intent detection

    Only receive calls that are relevant to your business. Set up Call-back widget to show up to visitors who are likely to buy, and skip those who apparently are not interested.

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  • Exit intent pop-up

    Prevent potential clients from leaving. Call-back widget detects if the visitor intents to leave the website and pops-up with a special offer.

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  • Scheduled and delayed call-back

    Convert visitors even after business hours. The widget notifies that you’re away and prompts potential client to choose the best date and time for a call. At the selected time, the call-back launches automatically.

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  • Специальная маршрутизация звонков

    Автоматическое перенаправление входящих звонков по оптимальным линиям в зависимости от типа абонента, времени звонка и причины обращения.

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  • Статистика телефонных звонков

    Контролируйте важные звонки торговых представителей. Анализируйте все звонки, которые они осуществили, получили или пропустили, изучайте результаты и объем работы, выполняемый ими.

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  • Запись разговоров

    Получение ценных выводов о результативности разговоров торговых представителей. Прослушивайте записи разговоров для выявления наиболее результативных представителей и изучения применяемой ими тактики переговоров.

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  • Customizable widget design

    Make the widget look naturally on your website. Set custom color scheme, change texts, add logo and background images in a couple of clicks.

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How Call-back widget works

  • Step 1.

    Your potential customer clicks the Call-back button on your website.

  • Step 2.

    A sidebar appears, prompting the customer to enter their phone number.

  • Step 3.

    In mere seconds, the customer’s phone rings. Call-back widget connects them with your agent for a call.

  • After the call

    Klienta kontaktinformācija un sarunas tiks saglabātas jūsu Dzinga kontā. Tagad jūs varat sazināties ar klientu pa tālruni, ar SMS un ar populārākajām ziņapmaiņas lietotnēm.

  • Your benefit!

    Customer’s contacts and history of conversations get stored in your Dzinga account. Now you could reach the customer via phone, SMS, and popular social messengers.


€ 0
в месяц
Виджет Call-back
Дополнительный виджет Call-back
Включенные потенциальные клиенты
Стоимость за лид сверх пакета
€ 0.3
Запись разговоров
€ 16 /  хранение файлов 3 мес.
€ 33
в месяц
Виджет Call-back
Дополнительный виджет Call-back
€ 11
Включенные потенциальные клиенты
Стоимость за лид сверх пакета
€ 0.3
Запись разговоров
хранение файлов 6 мес.
€ 99
в месяц
Виджет Call-back
Дополнительный виджет Call-back
€ 19
Включенные потенциальные клиенты
Стоимость за лид сверх пакета
€ 0.3
Запись разговоров
хранение файлов 12 мес.

Why choose Dzinga

With Dzinga, you may forget switching between multiple communication apps. All your business conversations are beautifully organized and put together in one place. Control, measure, and manage your sales-critical communications A to Z and enjoy better sales results

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